Saturday, January 14, 2006

suffering though

complaining online to spare real people from involuntary whining on my part. listening to michael stipe moaning "i need this" on some late track in out of time.

you know you're in bad shape when you drink coffee despite the fact that it's making you physically and possibly psychically ill. i think i may resolve to switch to tea after this semester is all over. i think that this sucks.

you know you're in bad shape when doing the dishes in the sink that have been there for several days is not only a luxury but a pleasant break. scalding hot water, ecover soap, the knowledge that millions of bacteria are being put to death... priceless.

giving up on eminent domain for a while to work on drivers licenses for undocumented immigrants. the papers are both due on tuesday, but there's an explicit time deadline for licenses at four thirty with a point penalty for lateness while the other one is ambiguous which i usually take to mean before professor shorris wakes up in the morning the following day.

have a good day you all. hope for the democrats to grow some spine and filibuster alito. nyt coverage it's amazing how when there are so many horrible things happening in politics that it's completely overwhelming, that you kind of get used to the fact that the world's going to rot.


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