Saturday, December 24, 2005

Tsunami's Legacy: Extraordinary Giving and Unending Strife - New York Times

Tsunami's Legacy: Extraordinary Giving and Unending Strife - New York Times: "In Aceh, the tsunami and aid helped quiet a 30-year-old civil war."

A pretty thorough take on what's taking place a year after the tsunami in Asia. It's interesting that Aceh is being described as peaceful. I think that during the summer, it sounded like things in Aceh were fairly stable, but I don't think that it would have been fair to characterize it as stable as the article makes it sound now. I do wonder how the housing work is going. My boss from the summer is now running the Aceh OCHA operations (lent there by UNHCR), and hopefully he's helping to get things streamlined and going over there. I have faith that he can be very effective in the field. He really does have a lot of experience...


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