Sunday, December 11, 2005

supposed freezing rain

For some reason, the NYTimes claims that it is 17 degrees F and freezing rain right now. While I admit that it doesn't look super-appealing outside, it's more like 34 and sunny. How does that kind of mistake happen?

I'm drinking "tea" made of fresh ginger and meyer lemon (yes, it really makes a difference) and honey, trying to put together this document for my urban economic development class. It's about science parks and direct community benefits (there are usually minimal results, and while Newark's project seems better, the truth is that business development always is the priority). I'm also listening to this Brahms CD that I burned from somewhere...

Anyhow, enjoy your Sunday everyone. For regular readers (hi Rachel & Tim & Mandy & anyone else[? post a comment and say hi]), you might notice that I fixed that weird bug that crunched the blogger toolbar into the lefthand corner. Something in the code of Picasa that messes with the screen.


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