Friday, July 01, 2005 | Withdraw the Bolton nomination! | Withdraw the Bolton nomination!: "Some observers believe that Rice supported the Bolton nomination to get him out of her building, so that such useful projects could be completed."

There is actually a political science term for this practice of removing people one supervises from the bureaucracy. We learned about it in 501. Any takers?
I remember it in the context more of thickening bureaucracy, when "special" side posts of minimal actual importance are created to remove people from the main executive structure. Of course, what we have here is an actual attempted promotion to a position that matters. Unless the Bush Administration really believes that the post matters so little.

I cannot believe that this John Bolton nomination is still alive. My hope is that the longer the process drags out, the more likely he is to be rejected. Time will tell I suppose... has a pretty funny campaign going right now. They are urging people to apply for the position of U.S. Ambassador to the UN themselves.


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