Monday, May 07, 2007

Finale wrap-up: "The Amazing Race: All-Stars" | Salon Arts & Entertainment

Finale wrap-up: "The Amazing Race: All-Stars" Salon Arts & Entertainment: "While most people refuse to believe that a reality show could have any subtext, 'The Amazing Race' has always lingered on the tenuous bonds that hold people together, and this 11th season was no exception. After several weeks of dashing around the globe, sleeping in parking lots, scaling the outsides of skyscrapers, asking indifferent, uncomprehending strangers for directions and trying to find the fastest flights to another continent, even the most steadfast teams find themselves questioning their compatibility. And when the questioning begins, that's when teams start to lose."

Pure genious! While I was sleeping post-Amazing Race finale, Heather managed to write up this finale write-up. The intersection of Heather and the Amazing Race is too much for me to handle -- pure joy. She is always so right on.

My only surprise is that she didn't point out the editing in the final episode, where they were much more careful this year to put the teams closely together. Helicopters timed 10 minutes apart to reduce the gap. If you can't open the safe in 10 minutes, you just get the clue. But I guess better to build it in than to have your producers jump in to to get the 2nd place team on the same flight as the 1st place team in order to have a somewhat close finish (Was it season 5? I can't find the right article.)


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