Monday, September 11, 2006


Hi People-

Sorry, I've been obviously terrible about posting. It's a combination of not being able to post at work now that I'm in an environment that cares about what I'm doing all the time (compare with school where nobody cares unless it's groupwork), particularly at the computer -- we're also discouraged from blogging in particular because it undermines our nonpartisan credentials when we write reports and then people google us and get our blog -- but I plan to just be tactful not absent. Also, so far, this blog has been under-the-radar enough that it doesn't show up with a search for my name. It is nice to know that some of you out there are reading though!

It has also just being crazy trying to readjust to being back in SF. It is great to be back, but I just feel tired a lot of the time, and I'm still trying to get organized, get my new apartment furnished so it doesn't look like sheer chaos. I spent hours yesterday getting a 6-drawer malm together from Ikea, but it is done, and now I can get a bit more organized since there's somewhere to PUT some of the clothes that are kind of all mixed together in the closet.

Also, I just got my wireless router set up about 1 week ago, so now I can use the computer somewhere else than the uncomfortable spot where I was working before.

I bought Getting Things Done yesterday -- any friends out there using the GTD system? Rachel, I may upgrade Agendus since we're like 2 versions behind for both. Maybe with the combo of gmail, agendus, and my palm, I can get things organized.

Anyhow, I've got to run to work -- trying to maintain a relatively early schedule. But thanks to those of you who check in occasionally and push me to write stuff. I plan to be more regular with posting again soon.


P.S. I've been listening to the electronica station on my temporarily free digital cable (on RCN 416). It's pretty good...


Blogger t said...

Hey Leo,

That's interesting, my new employer also had a few jitters about my blog, although I would guess yours would have more stringent rules about this sort of thing.

Anyway, welcome back to teh intarweebs.

12:53 PM  

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