Tuesday, July 19, 2005

HararNet Audio & Video Collection:

HararNet Audio & Video Collection:

No time to blog, but wanted to mark this even if just as a placeholder. I had lunch with Muna who does admin work in my department. It was very pleasant and fascinating to learn about her. She's a Swiss citizen but originally from the Harar part of Ethiopia, near the Djibouti/Yemen border. She recommended the site I'm posting here amongst others as a good source of music, though I can't seem to use the files here at work.

We had fascinating conversations about multiple topics. One in particular that strikes me is just a reminder of how much more internationally-oriented people from other countries are and how many more languages they speak. She speaks Harar (which she says is very close to Arabic), Amharic, Italian, English, French, and Spanish. She can get by in Farsii. And she claims that she doesn't feel fluent in English, but I know her English is good enough to write essays about the pluses and minuses of globalization, and she speaks English extremely well in my opinion.

I'm so impressed.


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