Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Enjoying SF

I'm back in SF enjoying the weather -- not trying to brag, but I've been extremely fortunate with timing.

I've been doing applications, making my way through emails, enjoying walking around the city, and watching more TV than is for my own good. It's incredible that things never change -- it's Michael Jackson, Scott Peterson, Princess Di, even Marjorie Knowler, all the time, occasionally interrupted by one of the horrible things with which President Bush is engaged. I also watched Nanny 911 (oddly compelling despite footage of screaming children for an entire hour) and Amazing Race. The latter puts me at risk for tv addiction -- there's another Over-The-Top gay couple, "Alex has not informed his father about his sexual orientation," and Rob and Amber from Survivor-- what more could one ask for? Well - TWP claims that volume eating makes for bad viewing. I tend to agree...

At least marriage equality has been getting some coverage. And it's a pleasure to be in SF where people actually recognize and understand what a greater than symbol means. I was hanging out at Maxfield's House of Caffeine where it was just SO GOOD TO BE BACK. The discourse within the city is more about what the gay agenda should look like than whether there should be equal rights. Gay Shame has fliered the Mission pretty extensively. While I don't wholeheartedly share their agenda, it's important that they're present, pointing out the ways that consumerism and dominant ideals about masculinity damage the community.


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