Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Time to enter the blogosphere...

Okay, I'm giving it a shot. I figured it a fun idea to try this experiment and see if the thoughts spinning around can be put to some sort of generative use or at least provide some entertainment value.

Also, I wanted to be able to respond to Cathy's blog, so I decided I could handle the "five minute" process of joining in. Unfortunately, the blogger people underestimate the amount of care required in settling on an acceptable blogname (and can you believe that leoblog was taken!).

So, leotrope it is. Inspired by the idea that my life is a spinning cylinder of a movie rotating round and around. And the blog captures some momentary glance. Or something like that.



Blogger Cathy said...

I love it. inspiring blogging...who knew! What a weird world it is.

How do you do the links within the blog?

Yes, Oakland's North Bay in the sense that it's not South Bay--ie, I refuse to refer to teh "bay area" as synonymous for SF, Oaktown, and Berkeley--which so many do....so North Bay is my surrogate, imperfect though it may be, at least it's clear that it doesn't include San Jose & the South Bay.

11:41 PM  

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